Ok, well, it's not really an "us" versus "them" kind of mentality, but we are excited and stoked to bring our goods to both the second annual Wood Mountain Folk Festival and The Mayfair Inn in Gravelbourg at the end of August.
Friday, August 24th sees us sharing a stage with such talent as Rosie and the Riveters, Norman Walker and Petunia and the Vipers, as Judy Mergel hosts tons of Saskatchewan talent on the Mergel Ranch in Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan. Noted dance-aholic, party fiend and all around awesome guy Keith Lee tipped us off to this festival at a smoky party, dubbing it a sort of Ness Creek in its infancy, and it certainly seems to have all that sort of vibe surrounding it. Add in hiking trails, delicious pancake breakfasts, and music that goes for three days, and the incredibly cheap price of $50 for the weekend sounds like the best summer deal going. Check out the website http://www.mergelranch.com/wood-mountain-folk-festival then check us out on the mainstage at 8pm sharp!
Roughly 24 hours later - and if you are intimate with The Lonesome Weekends, roughly is likely the appropriate word - we'll be gracing the stage of The Mayfair Inn, Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan. It'll be an interesting return of sorts, as the band's first out of town gig was at a festival in the town, which led to a party at the Inn, which led to drinking, and a fight, and some other stuff, which led to the lurvly and talented Belle Plaine (who was along for the ride, and then some) penning her awesome tune "Brawlers", which led to it being recorded with a few members of the band, The Lazy MKs, and one of Ms. Plaine's secret weapons, Anna Rose. Check it out here http://thelazymks.bandcamp.com/track/brawlers . As a band, we're hoping to capture the spirit of that tune August 25th, if not the hazy memories of poor decisions, so come out and encourage any and/or all of the above!
If you's got the summertime blues, head down south and rock it just a little bit with The Lonesome Weekends! See ya there!